*NOTE: This section is informational only. If you wish to change the status of your business please telephone the Health Club Registration Unit BEFORE you proceed to take steps to change the status of your business. We may require additional information particular to your business for approval.
Please telephone the Health Club Registration Unit: 410-576-6350
Bonded to Bond Exempt*
The following instructions provide information on how to convert a business registration status from bonded to bond-exempt status. Be aware that bond exempt businesses are prohibited from collecting or accepting more than three (3) months of payment in advance for any memberships and from collecting or accepting more than $200.00 in initiation fees. Therefore if your business has accepted or will accept payments which are more than 3 months in advance or more than $200.00 in initiation fees, you should not register as a bond-exempt business.
A business which is currently registered as bonded must:
Please note, you may not cancel your bond/letter of credit, nor may you allow your bond/letter of credit to expire until you are notified by the Division that your registration status is determined to be bond exempt. Failure to maintain your security could result in an enforcement action against your business.
Bond-exempt to Bonded Status Change*
The following instructions provide information on how to convert a business registration status from bond-exempt to bonded status. Be aware that bond exempt businesses are prohibited from collecting or accepting more than three (3) months of payment in advance for any memberships and from collecting or accepting more than $200.00 in initiation fees. Therefore if your business is currently registered as bond-exempt it may NOT accept payments which are more than 3 months in advance or more than $200.00 in initiation fees until it posts security and is registered as a bonded business.
A business that is currently registered as bond-exempt must:
A pay per day business is defined as one who does not: