Please note that the Health Education and Advocacy Unit (HEAU) is not responsible for the availability or content of these external sites, nor does HEAU endorse, warrant or guarantee the products, services or information described or offered at these other Internet sites.
Maryland's health insurance marketplace. An independent governmental unit that helps Marylanders compare rates, benefits and quality among qualified health plans to help individuals and small employers select an insurance product that best suits their needs. The Exchange will also help qualified employers enroll their employees in small group market plans.
A network of organizations around the state staffed by trained and certified people to help consumers enroll in Medicaid or a qualified health plan.
HealthCare Access Maryland (Anne Arundel, Baltimore County and Baltimore City, Carroll, Frederick and Howard)
Maryland Medical Assistance (Medicaid)
A health insurance program for low-income Maryland residents and families.
Consumer Assistance Programs in other states
National health advocacy organization that offers issue briefs, data analysis and advocacy toolkits on health care coverage, equity, value and the consumer experience for policymakers and advocates.
The federal government's official website for the Affordable Care Act and the federal health insurance marketplace.
The Center for Consumer Information & Insurance Oversight
A federal government agency that oversees implementation of ACA provisions related to private health insurance; ensures compliance with new insurance market rules, such as the Patient's Bill of Rights; helps states review unreasonable rate increases; provides oversight for the state-based health insurance exchanges; and administers the Consumer Assistance Program, Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan and Early Retiree Reinsurance Program.
Families USA Patient's Bill of Rights
Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation Health Reform Source
National Association of Insurance Commissioners' Health Insurance Reform News
Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation State Health Facts
A nonprofit foundation that provides free, up-to-date and user-friendly health data for all 50 states on more than 700 health topics.
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